My middle son was voted one of the Sophomore class favorites by his peers. At his highschool, class favorites and Who’s Who are announced at the Winter Formal coronation, so we started looking for formal attire. I jokingly sent him screenshots of a variety of Christmas themed blazers, but he actually loved one of them. Got his heart completely set on it. It was a pale blue covered in candy canes, and Cooper searched the Internet and found that there’s an entire suit available, titled the Peppermint Pimp Canes. He laid it on thick, reminding me that he hadn’t asked for anything for Christmas “so why couldn’t this be my Christmas present?” You can imagine I caved.
Next came shoes. We found a pair of red dress shoes on Amazon to match the candy canes and ordered them with plenty of time to spare. Pretty soon after ordering, maybe the next day, I got notification that the shoes had shipped. Weeks later, on Wednesday with the dance set for Saturday, I had heard nothing more about those shoes. I looked at the tracking information, but it only showed the date it shipped. I told Cooper we would have to go find some others in town.
Cooper is the most grateful, laid back kid, so to see him disappointed about this and his heart set on those red shoes, it did something to me. So I prayed about it. I prayed earnestly about red dress shoes to match a candy cane suit. Sounds silly, but I have always believed that God cares about every single aspect of you. If it matters to you, it matters to Him. I’ve taught my kids that nothing is too big or small to talk to God about it. So I prayed about those shoes. I said, “God, only you know where those shoes are, but please get them here in time for this dance.” Cooper and I made plans to go buy others as a contingency plan, but I was hoping God would come through for us by Saturday.
It was late Wed night that I prayed. Thursday morning, I got this.
And Thursday night while we were eating dinner, I got another notification that the shoes had been delivered. From God-only-knew where on Wednesday night when I checked … to my mailbox in Glencoe Thursday night!
God cares so much for his children. Those shoes were important to my son, so they were important to me. Those shoes were important to God’s son, so they were important to God. Matthew 7:11 says, “So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him.”
I sure wish all my prayers were answered that quickly, but the bigger point in all this is that if God cared about red shoes to match a candy cane suit simply because they mattered to us, then how much more does He care about the big things or deep things that matter to us?!